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Please read these terms and conditions which apply to all sessions, including the initial consultation, whether in person or online. They are designed to protect your interests as a client.

  1. Client Contract

Clinic session: you will be emailed a copy of the client contract to read and sign and then bring to your first session. 

Online session: you will be emailed a copy of the client contract prior to your first session.  Please reply to the email confirming your acceptance of its content. 

  1. Confidentiality

Any information collected from you as a client or potential client, including your contact details will be held in the strictest confidence. Your privacy will be respected. The details that you disclose are used solely for the purpose of providing you with the highest levels of service. No information will be passed on to any external parties, except in the following circumstances:

  1. Where you give permission for confidentiality to be broken
  2. Where I am compelled to by a court of law
  3. Where the information is of a nature that confidentiality cannot be maintained, for example:
    • The possibility of harm to yourself or others exists
    • In cases of fraud or crime
    • When minors (under 18 years old) are involved
  4. Where a referring GP or other healthcare professional requires a report. A copy of the report will be available on request.

All paper information held about you is kept in a locked draw which only I have access to. Files and relevant notes are kept for five years once you have finished therapy. They are then destroyed by cross-cut shredding. All digital data is encrypted.

  1. CPD and Ethics

As a professional therapist, I carry out regular Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to ensure that my skills are up to date and based on sound research. This enables me to provide you with high quality therapy designed to help you work through your issue(s) and achieve your therapeutic goal(s).

Should at any stage, I feel that I do not have the skills required to help you reach your goal(s), I will end our contract and refer you on to an alternative, appropriate professional.

I am also committed to, and bound by, the Code of Ethics for each society which can be found:

  1. Therapy Fees

Fees for therapy can be found on the Fees page. Notice will always be given of any price increases when you are in a course of therapy.

  1. Payment Methods

Payment can be made by:

  • Cash – preferred method of payment but not compulsory.
  • Bank transfer – account details will be provided during our initial chat
  1. Making Payments

Clinic session: All session fees must be paid at the start of each session if paying in cash or 24 hours before, if you are paying by bank transfer.

Online session: Payment for online sessions must be made at least 24 hours’ before the scheduled session start time. Where payment is not received 24 hours’ before your session, the session will be cancelled and may be offered to someone else. 

  1. Written Treatment Reports

A written report of the treatment given during a course of therapy can be requested on completion. There is an additional cost for this service of £30. The report does not in any way replace a report given by a general practitioner.

  1. Refunds

Session fees are for my time and are not a guarantee of a successful outcome. Therefore, no refunds will be given for any sessions where you have attended and paid for the session.

Where a therapy programme has been booked and paid for in advance, if you choose to discontinue your therapy process before attending all the sessions, a pro rata refund will be issued after deduction of the full standard session fee for any sessions you have attended.

  1. Cancellations & Re-scheduling of Sessions

Considerable time is spent preparing for each session so if you need to cancel or re-schedule a session, please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice, or the cost of the full session is payable. Notification can be made via email or text message. 

If you wish to discontinue your course of therapy, you do not have to give a reason but it is helpful if you can discuss these changes so that if you later wish to resume therapy, these changes can be taken into account.

  1. Attending Your Sessions

Please ensure that you are available at your session start time. If you are running late, please let me know as soon as possible by text message. I will do my best to make a full session available, however please understand that my booking schedule may not always make this possible and the session may have to finish at the original finishing time.

  1. Appointment Reminders

I do not send appointment reminders, therefore it is your responsibility to ensure that any fees are paid on time and that you attend your sessions at the correct time. 

  1. Standards of Behaviour

During the course of any therapy sessions, I will treat you with respect and not abuse the trust you place in me. I will use best practice at all times in our mutual interest. In return, you undertake not to harm yourself, or any other person, including me, or any property belonging to either myself or any other person.

You agree not to attend sessions under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs, except those medications which have been prescribed by your doctor. If you do attend any sessions under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs, or demonstrate violent or abusive behaviour, I will cancel the session and may refuse to see you for any further therapy sessions.

  1. Contact Between Sessions

Any contact between sessions will be by mobile or email during office hours only (Monday to Friday, 2pm to 8.00pm and Saturday 9.00am to 12.00pm). Any messages received outside of these hours will be dealt with during office hours only.

If we cross paths outside of session, I will take your lead as to whether you would like me to acknowledge you or not. Any acknowledgement will be brief in nature.

  1. Age Restrictions

You must be at least 18 years old to participate in receiving treatment.

  1. Other Medical or Psychological Treatment

If you are receiving care or treatment from any medical, healthcare or therapy practitioner, e.g. GP, Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Counsellor, you may be asked to seek their permission before any therapy sessions can commence.

A medical questionnaire is conducted at the start of the 1st consultation to establish any contra-indications to treatment. 

Please update me of any medical changes during your course of therapy, or if you are returning to therapy after a period of absence.

  1. Therapy Outcome

I guarantee to apply my training, expertise and experience to your issues with the aim of achieving your agreed goals in as reasonable time as possible but this in no way implies or guarantees a full resolution.

Therapy is a partnership between myself, as your therapist and you. We work together on your issue(s) with the aim of reaching your therapy goal(s). You therefore need to commit to your sessions and participate fully in our discussions and complete any homework set. 

Estimates of the number of sessions required are given during the initial consultation and are based on the information you give me at that time and my past experience. Each client is unique and will therefore require a different treatment plan.

  1. Supervision

As an accredited Member of The National Hypnotherapy Society, I receive regular supervision in line with the Society’s policy and guidance in order to maintain standards and promote best practice. During these supervision sessions I might discuss your case with my supervisor but your identity will not be disclosed and your confidentiality will be maintained at all times, except in the circumstances described in section 2.

  1. Complaints

Should you be unhappy about any aspect of your treatment, please do let me know so that we can discuss the issue and find a solution. Should you feel the matter is serious enough, please address complaints to the NCPS. See for how to do this.


This website is provided for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with your GP or other health care professional. The information on this website should not be considered as medical advice. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, you should seek advice from a medical doctor.